As you may know, Michael is trying his hand at breeding snakes. Alot of our "yard snakes" sell between $30 and $150 each. Some we have sell for more. Honestly, when we went to the UAB show, there were snakes there over $1000 a piece! Ridiculous, but hey if they want to buy them, then by all means Michael will supply them. He has always loved snakes ??? so this is right up his ally. The bottom pic is a creamsicle corn snake with her eggs. The next pic is some type of albino rat or corn snake (I can't remember) and her eggs. Next up is a mexican king snake peering through the dirt with her eggs. And the picture at the very top is some of our being incubated. Nothing special ... just a shoebox and the room over 80
The Shocking Truth About Education
1 year ago