
Monday, March 23, 2009

We've Been Sprayed!!!

Okay...everyone is sick. Let's go back a few weeks. The week before little Michael's bday Feb 16th. Michael Sr. and Jr. had the flu, even the dog had kennel cough. The week after his party, brother relapsed and ended up with pneumonia. Then Julia got just a cold. Then I got a really bad sore throat with laryngitus. Starting Friday before last March 13th, Sarah got sick and she now has pneumonia. Last night, Sarah was coughing, Julia had a fever again with coughing, and brother was coughing. It seems like everyone is relapsing. I have missed the last four weeks of church! What is going on??? I feel like we have the plague. Well, weeks ago Michael told me when he was driving down the road he noticed a LOT of "chem trails" in the sky. By chem trails, we mean the smoke trails left behind airplanes. There are people that say that some of these trails are on purpose...that the government is "poisoning" us with different drugs or viruses that they are testing. I didn't believe it until this month! Most everyone we know has been sick, especially the families with little ones. I have cloroxed door knobs & toilet seats, boiled toothbrushes, washed sheets, threw out the dogs, everything!!! Man, I will be glad when we are well again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness....I hope everyone gets better soon...For your sanity!!!


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